While it was initially introduced as a service primarily centered around content for kids, Disney Plus soon expanded into a platform that carried all kinds of rated materials. This is no doubt due to Disney’s eagerness to compete with other services and also take advantage of their massive library of content including acquisitions from 20th Century Fox. Now a R-rated movie is currently dominating the Disney Plus streaming charts as a result.
Interestingly, this particular film was released nearly a decade ago in 2016. Since its release, however, the film has been immensely successful and popular – so it’s no surprise that it still pulls an audience in 2024. In fact, there’s a very good reason why audiences are flocking to this particular R-rated movie on Disney Plus.
The film was recently followed with an all-new sequel. And, much like this original and its original follow-up, the newest entry was likewise received positively. Now fans appear to be revisiting the original which is considered by many to be a modern classic.
The film is Deadpool and it currently holds the number 5 spot on Disney Plus. This places the film above the likes of Zootopia, The Nightmare Before Christmas, and Lilo & Stitch. While it hasn’t quite reached the absolute top of the list, it’s still doing quite well considering its competition.
Of course, it is likely due to the success of Deadpool & Wolverine that fans are checking out the original on Disney Plus. Nevertheless, it proves that Ryan Reynolds’ first Deadpool movie still has an audience, and fans are no doubt curious for what happens with the franchise next. Especially if it means seeing Deadpool dive further into the MCU.
It’ll be interesting to see what R-rated movies might go viral next on the platform. As for now, subscribers can check out Deadpool on Disney Plus. Stay tuned to ScreenGeek for any additional updates regarding the latest trending titles on the platform and other streaming services as we have them.