The animated classic Snow White is one of Disney‘s next titles receiving the live-action treatment. Their new adaptation has been in production for quite some time, with Rachel Zegler set to portray the titular princess. However, there has been some backlash given that Zegler is a Latina actress, and now she has commented on the change to the iconic “skin as white as snow” line.
Zegler explained this change while also discussing the backlash she’s faced, all while speaking with Variety. Interestingly, Zegler reveals that the change can actually be traced back to a separate version of the original story, one that they managed to incorporate in this new telling.
Here’s what she shared regarding the meaning of the “skin as white as snow” line being changed::
“It fell back to another version of ‘Snow White’ that was told in history, where she survived a snowstorm that occurred when she was a baby,” she says. “And so the king and queen decided to name her Snow White to remind her of her resilience. One of the core points in our film for any young woman or young person is remembering how strong you actually are.”
It certainly seems like an interesting way to reshape the source material. After all, they very easily could have not acknowledged the line at all. As such, we’ll have to see what else will be revealed once the film is fully released. In the meantime, it’s clear that there are going to be plenty of other changes to the iconic and familiar story.
Snow White is set to hit theaters next year on March 21, 2025. Stay tuned to ScreenGeek for any additional updates regarding the upcoming live-action adaptation of Snow White starring Rachel Zegler as we have them. For now, this only appears to be one of numerous changes being made to make the new film more modern for newer audiences. Of course, only time will tell how the film is received by fans, critics, and at the box office.