The Marvel Cinematic Universe has become increasingly connected with the release of Deadpool & Wolverine. The newly-released blockbuster established the existence of Wesley Snipes as Blade in the Multiverse, something which came as a major shock while Marvel Studios continues to develop their own take on Blade. Now, however, a new Blade movie with Wesley Snipes seems even more likely as Marvel reportedly moves away from Mahershala Ali.
Actor Mahershala Ali has been attached to portray Blade in a new MCU movie for years now. He already voiced the character for a cameo in Eternals. Although as Marvel’s Blade continues to face a number of production issues and delays, it wouldn’t be surprising if the studio refocused their efforts on Wesley Snipes for a potential Blade 4.
It’s something that Deadpool star Ryan Reynolds has even shown support for on X. Now insiders Jeff Sneider and John Rocha have discussed the possibility on The Hot Mic, including whether or not Wesley Snipes could be chosen to lead a new Blade movie in an effort to replace Mahershala Ali. As noted by @MarvelNewsFilms via X:
“It’s possible Marvel is moving further away from making Mahershala Ali’s ‘BLADE‘ movie and moving closer to a Wesley Snipes ‘BLADE‘ movie.”
It’s possible Marvel is moving further away from making Mahershala Ali’s ‘BLADE’ movie and moving closer to a Wesley Snipes ‘BLADE’ movie
— MarvelFilmNews (@MarvelNewsFilms) August 20, 2024
Many reports have suggested that Ali has become frustrated with the way Blade has been handled. As such, it wouldn’t be surprised if he stepped away from the project or vice versa. Likewise, now that Wesley Snipes and his take on Blade has been reintroduced for the first time in two decades, he’s certainly prime for another MCU appearance.
Ultimately, however, we’ll have to see how everything pans out. It’s worth noting that Deadpool & Wolverine also introduced so many former Marvel stars and continuities as a means of saying goodbye. Otherwise, there could also be other appearances with the upcoming films Avengers: Doomsday and Avengers: Secret Wars. It’s all just too early to tell.
Stay tuned to ScreenGeek for any additional updates regarding the Marvel Cinematic Universe as we have them, including any potential progress regarding their reboot of Blade. Obviously this discussion should be taken with a grain of salt, especially while Mahershala Ali is technically still attached the project. As we’ve seen, however, anything is certainly possible when it comes to the MCU’s Blade efforts – so hopefully everything works out for the best.