At this point, the Halloween movie franchise has branched off into a surprisingly large number of continuities and styles. One such continuity, beginning with Rob Zombie’s 2007 remake of the original classic, was continued with a single sequel in 2009. It’s a version of this particular film, Halloween 2, that features the first and only time that Michael Myers speaks as the shape.
The iconic boogeyman has been known throughout the decades for his lack of emotion and inability, or perhaps decision, not to speak. These aspects of his character have made him incredibly haunting and one of the most iconic villains of all time. Of course, Rob Zombie‘s interpretation of the character takes a more human approach, and that gives his Michael the opportunity to show more emotion.
It’s worth noting that Rob Zombie’s Michael Myers does speak quite often as a child. It’s when he grows up to become the iconic boogeyman that he no longer chooses to do so. At least, until the moment he is overwhelmed with enough anger at Malcom McDowell’s Dr. Loomis.
This only occurs during the finale of the director’s cut for Halloween 2. So, for those viewers who’ve only seen the theatrical version, they might not recall this moment. But adult Michael Myers actually speaks a single word during the film. He throws Loomis, stabs him, and shouts the following word: “DIE!”
It’s a moment that’s made many viewers cringe. As such, viewers have disregarded Halloween 2 as a result. Especially with a version of Michael Myers that’s so unlike anything from the previous film or any other iteration of Halloween.
Nevertheless, it goes to show that Rob Zombie’s Halloween movies are willing to take chances, and that Michael Myers isn’t just a shapeless boogeyman. He’s a blank canvas that’s open to any number of interpretations. And, hopefully, the next take on the horrifying villain first shaped by John Carpenter will be something that all fans can enjoy.