Fans are ecstatic for the upcoming sequel to Joker. The new movie, which will bring Lady Gaga as Harley Quinn into the fray, also includes the return of Joaquin Phoenix. His performance as the titular comic book villain quickly became iconic – and now director Todd Phillips has teased a new image featuring Joaquin Phoenix in the Joker sequel.
Many details regarding the upcoming DC film have been scarce. Though in addition to including Harley Quinn, it’s been suggested that the new sequel will be something of a musical. Obviously fans are anxious to see how that pans out. And while we wait, director Todd Phillips shared an interesting look at Phoenix. As you can see below, his character can be pictured standing in the rain. The colors are muted except for some colorful umbrellas surrounding the fan-favorite star.
“Thanks for all the messages,” Todd Phillips writes in the photo’s caption. “Four years ago we had quite a ride. Lots of great memories. More to come.”
Here’s the image:
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Hopefully there will be additional glimpses at the sequel soon. Of course, with the release date still one year away, it could be quite awhile before more updates are shared. In the meantime, it’s great to see Joaquin Phoenix again, especially in what will no doubt be another terrific performance as the Joker. Especially with Gaga’s Harley Quinn to bounce off of.
Todd Phillips directed the film following his work on Joker. He co-wrote the screenplay for the sequel alongside Scott Silver. The cast of the film includes Joaquin Phoenix as the titular Joker with Lady Gaga as Harley Quinn. Zazie Beetz will return as her character Sophie Dumond with Brendan Gleeson and Catherine Keener are also making appearances.
Joker: Folie à Deux, AKA Joker 2, is slated to hit theaters on October 4, 2024. Stay tuned to ScreenGeek for additional updates on this highly-anticipated sequel as we have them.