As fans of Marvel know, any dead character can return. It’s only a matter of using the right magic, science, or alternate timeline to explain their reappearance. Now Marvel seems to have potentially spoiled such a return of an otherwise dead character.
This character, who controversially died during the events of The Amazing Spider-Man #26, seems to be visible on artwork featured on both The Invincible Iron Man #10 and X-Men #26. As pointed out via, you can see the image below, where it looks like Kamala Khan has returned from the dead.
Here’s the image which features Kamala Khan sitting in the shoulder of Stinger:
Of course, this isn’t exactly a confirmation that Kamala Khan has returned. It’s possible that this is merely a continuity error. Otherwise, it’s possible that Marvel is planning a comeback for the character ahead of this year’s release date for The Marvels. Obviously such a tie-in would make perfect sense, and certainly hype up fans for both the upcoming movie and the ongoing comics.
As for when her return could be formally announced, it seems like August is a safe bet. Fans believe that a classified book that Marvel has in their solicitations for August 2023 could be connected to her return. It’s expected that more information regarding the title will drop somewhere around this year’s San Diego Comic-Con.
Fans will be able to see the beginning of Tony Stark and Emma Frost’s wedding in X-Men #10 which will be available on September 6, 2023. This will be followed by the events of The Invincible Iron Man #10 which will be available on September 27, 2023. Stay tuned to ScreenGeek for any additional updates regarding the potential return of Kamala Khan as we have them. As for now, it looks like fans of Kamala Khan could see the return of their favorite character sooner rather than later.