The iconic Star Wars character Darth Vader was first brought to life with two actors. David Prowse portrayed the physical performance of the character throughout the original Star Wars trilogy. Meanwhile, actor James Earl Jones provided the voice that would make Darth Vader one of cinema’s most frightening foes. Now it’s been announced that James Earl Jones will be retiring as the voice of the character, 45 years after the very first Star Wars film.
As noted via Vanity Fair, however, his voice will still be part of the character. They explained that “the 91-year-old actor has signed off on archival voice recordings being used by young filmmakers, who plan to utilize artificial intelligence synthetic speech technology to recreate Jones’ younger voice from his previous films for future Lucasfilm projects.” We’ve already seen the impact this technology had for Darth Vader on the Obi-Wan Kenobi series. In fact, the Star Wars franchise first used the technology to create a young Luke Skywalker’s voice for his appearances in The Book of Boba Fett.
The specific technology used for these synthetic vocals comes from Respeecher. They’re a “Ukrainian startup that uses AI technology to craft new conversations from revitalized old voice recordings.” And, considering how the voice of Darth Vader was received by fans throughout the run of Obi-Wan Kenobi, their technology works exceptionally well. Even James Earl Jones’ family is said to have been satisfied with the new vocals. Furthermore, Jones is credited for “guiding the performance” of Darth Vader throughout the show.
Surprisingly, Russia’s invasion of Ukraine nearly ruined the entire project. As they noted, “Bogdan Belyaev, the 29-year-old speech artist, was tasked with delivering the new recordings to Lucasfilm.” However, “tragedy struck on Feb. 24 when Russia invaded the country.” So, “as air raid sirens powered through the city of Lviv, Belyaev hurried to finish the project and send his work back to Skywalker Sound in Northern California.” Luckily, he succeeded.
So, it’s certainly disappointing to know that James Earl Jones will be physically retiring from voicing Darth Vader. But at least we know that his interpretation of the character’s voice will continue to live on.