The Marvel Cinematic Universe has been gradually introducing the concept of the Multiverse. This has allowed the massive film and television franchise to crossover with other continuities, such as Sam Raimi’s Spider-Man trilogy and the previously-unrelated Amazing Spider-Man duology. It’s also given Sony an interesting opportunity to link together their otherwise unrelated film projects like Venom and Morbius. Unlike Venom, however, Morbius was quite unpopular with fans. Now a new theory suggests that Marvel Studios president Kevin Feige will actually destroy the universe in which Morbius takes place.
It might be an extreme response to the film and its lackluster reception. But, it isn’t exactly an unprecedented theory, especially for those who’ve been paying attention. Specifically, the MCU film Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness already name-dropped the existence of “Incursions.” What this refers to is a series of Multiversal collisions that were originally introduced in the comics. When one Earth collides with another as noted in the Secret Wars comics, thanks to contradictions in the timeline of the Multiverse, both worlds end up being destroyed. This would then continue until either one Earth remains or all are destroyed.
As for the Doctor Strange sequel, however, Incursions are a tad different. As explained by Reed Richards, they occur “when the boundary between two universes erodes and they collide, destroying one or both entirely.” This means that the events of the film could cause an Incursion between Earth-838 and the MCU which exists in Earth-616. Since Sony has brought Vulture from the MCU over into the post-credits of Morbius, however, it seems very possible that could cause an Incursion as well.
In particular, the occurrence of an Incursion between Sony’s Spider-Man Universe and the Marvel Cinematic Universe depends on how long Vulture stays in the world of Morbius. If he stays too long then it should cause a clash between Sony’s universe and the Earth-616 that the MCU belongs to. And while we don’t know what exactly could save an Earth from an Incursion, it seems likely that destroying one of the universes – much like in Secret Wars – would do the job. So in order to save Earth-616, it’s possible that the universe Morbius takes place in will have to be destroyed.
Of course, this is still all in theory. It’s unclear if Sony recognizes how Marvel’s Multiverse works and whether or not they will play along. It’s possible that all of these events will gradually lead up to a potential Secret Wars film – but, if not, then we could see some awkward retconning along the way. As such, fans will just have to wait and see what happens – and whether or not Kevin Feige really will destroy the Morbius universe.