The Marvel Cinematic Universe premiered their first Marvel Studios television series on Disney Plus in 2021, with the release of WandaVision. The series was created with a weird sitcom-styled aesthetic in mind and it paved the way for the recently-released film Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness. Furthermore, however, it also set the stage for the upcoming spin-off Agatha: Hour of Harkness. Now, according to a new leak, it looks like Agatha: House of Harkness has a character which will actually play a crucial role in Avengers 5.
This leak was reported by insider Daniel Richtman via Disinsider, and he learned of the information from a production grid. So while the series is not yet in production, it’s certainly getting close to that stage, and with that in mind we now know even more about the series. In particular, it looks like production will now be taking place from January 2023 to May 2023. Furthermore, they’re soon set to begin casting, and they’re looking for a character named TYLER.
They hope to cast an actor between the ages of 17 to 20 years, with the character being described as a “White, American teen.” Furthermore, he has a “formidable and dark sense of humor, incredibly witty, astute, and of the moment.” He’s also a “fan-boy at times” and identifies as gay while preferring he/him pronouns. But it’s his sexuality that might act as a major clue.
The site speculates that it’s much possible that this character could actually be Billy Maximoff, Wanda Maximoff’s son. He identifies as a gay male in the Marvel comic books, which would certainly make sense to have him here in the show. While he was just a child in both WandaVision and Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness, with magic involved anything is possible.
As you probably already know, the next Avengers project for the MCU has been the subject of many different rumors – some that include Young Avengers and Dark Avengers.
Of course, that means there are plenty of other questions remaining like his brother Tommy. Hopefully we’ll have a better understanding of what this all means as the show nears production. Until then, fans can stay tuned to ScreenGeek for more updates on Agatha: House of Harkness and other MCU projects like Avengers 5 as we have them.