With several arrests and allegations made against them, Ezra Miller’s career is certainly in trouble. While it’s unknown what actions will be taken against Ezra Miller, and what exactly Warner Bros. plans to do with franchises like Fantastic Beasts and The Flash, much of that likely depends on the outcome of Miller’s legal debacle. With that said, it seems that additional fuel has been thrown on the fire. It appears that artists are now accusing Ezra Miller of having stolen their music.
The 29-year-old actor was in the process of building a musical career not long before their controversies began. It seems even that endeavor did not go as planned, however, according to producer Oliver Ignatius via Rolling Stone. Specifically, Ezra Miller was shown some lyrics from rapper Ghais Guevara, and their reaction was not pleasant. Oliver Ignatius described it as the following:
“Ezra’s behavior throughout this exchange was atrocious, belligerent, threatening, and incredibly aggressive.”
He continued to explain why Ezra Miller was so upset, revealing that the lyrics emphasized the dangers women face from men:
“They were completely triggered by the song which totally freaked me out because basic feminism is a really hard line. If we don’t agree that violence by a man against a woman isn’t something worth speaking on, then we don’t agree on much.”
While Oliver Ignatius walked away from Ezra Miller, that didn’t stop Miller from releasing the music they worked on anyways – including songs that Miller had no involvement with. This included music they worked on with both Ignatius and Guevara. As Ignatius noted:
“They stole from artists that have fewer resources than them but maybe have art that Ezra wants… The person I thought I knew was a much gentler soul than the person that we’re seeing right now. It’s been a very concerning journey.”
The allegations against Ezra Miller are only piling up at this point. It’s unknown how the situation will be handled as a result. But one can assume their career will forever be changed.