The Nightmare on Elm Street franchise is perhaps best known for its series of films that were released from 1984 to 2010. What some fans might not be aware of, however, is that there was a short-lived television series based on the property as well. In the late 1980’s, the television series Freddy’s Nightmares was released. The show starred Robert Englund as Freddy Krueger, although most of the time he appeared as a host rather than the main antagonist. Nevertheless, the series has gone on to have a cult following over the years. Unfortunately, there’s never been a proper home video release. Now, however, Freddy’s Nightmares is streaming on the Screambox streaming service.
Both of the show’s two seasons are now on the streaming platform. This makes for a total of 44 episodes, all of which feature Robert Englund’s Freddy Krueger as a host. It’s worth mentioning that he played the main antagonist in eight of them. Furthermore, the series has plenty of surprising guest stars and cameos that frequently appear. As such, there’s always some kind of entertainment value to be found.
In order to celebrate its premiere on Screambox, Bloody-Disgusting will be working alongside them for a Freddy’s Nightmares watch party. As noted below:
“Screambox is teaming up with Bloody Disgusting for a Freddy’s Nightmares watch party on February 26 at 5 PM PST. Bloody Disgusting will be live-tweeting throughout the watch party.”
While the series hasn’t had a proper physical release, there have been several reruns available on television. It was popularly aired on both Chiller and the El Rey Network over the years, keeping the show relevant and allowing fans to become aware of its existence. The fact that Freddy’s Nightmares will be able to stream for the first time ever is a major milestone in the show’s history, and one can only hope that a physical release will be next on the way.