With a new Jackass film newly released in theaters, titled Jackass Forever, it seems that two stars associated with the massive brand are now entering the spotlight for a completely different reason. It’s just been reported that Jackass cast members Chris Pontius and Steve-O have been sued over a water ski accident that occurred in Puerto Rico in 2018.
This incident, as reported by TMZ, resulted after the two stars made a deal with Michael Vicens-Segura. They wanted to use his jet ski to perform a stunt in which included a bungee cord. It’s the type of stunt that’s commonly associated with their work, but unfortunately it didn’t go as planned.
As explained:
‘Vicens-Segura insists the guys wanted to use it for a ‘Jackass’-y feat — where 2 guys are in the water on jet skis, facing opposite directions … and attached to one another by a bungee cord, to see who would get yanked off first as they sped off.”
“Vicens-Segura was asked to hold one of the jet skis steady in the water because of the waves that day … which he says he did. He claims, as Steve-O and Chris hit the gas, Steve’s bungee cord snapped off the harness attached to his back … which he says then flung in his direction and popped him hard on the side of the head, resulting in a massive gash.”
As a result, he was quickly flown to a hospital for emergency surgery. After the helicopter flight, he was placed in a medically induced coma due to his skull and brain injuries. He’s now left with severe pain and an inability to even think straight, something which makes him unable to work. Naturally, he’s now began the aforementioned major lawsuit against Chris Pontius and Steve-O. And he’s asking for $12 million in damages.
With Chris Pontius and Steve-O being sued, it’ll certainly be interesting to see how this fares for the stars of the Paramount property Jackass and the newly released Jackass Forever.