Aside from its growing film franchise, the Marvel Cinematic Universe has been expanded upon in a number of ways. This now includes a wide variety of TV shows, many of which are being produced for Disney Plus. But what some fans may remember, long before that, are the excellent Marvel One-Shots that did a nice job of tying things together and setting up new adventures with very quick short films. They were usually included with Marvel Cinematic Universe films during their home video releases. Now fans can enjoy another seven of these Marvel One-Shots that were just added to Disney Plus!
The streaming platform has become the core hub for the Marvel Cinematic Universe, with most of the films and shows available to stream. Now with these seven Marvel One-Shots added to Disney Plus, it makes the streaming service feel all that more complete. Especially for those completists that need their full Marvel fix.
Here are the seven One-Shots that were added to the understandably popular streaming service:
- The Consultant (2011)
- A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to Thor’s Hammer (2011)
- Item 47 (2012)
- Agent Carter (2013)
- Team Thor: Parts 1 & 2 (2017)
- Team Darryl (2018)
This is an exciting day for Marvel fans, especially to see that these One-Shots are still considered canon and important enough to be added to Disney Plus. They certainly helped pave the way for many Marvel Cinematic Universe projects that we have today, as well as tested the waters for creating content outside the main films. They compose a very important part of the MCU’s history and the franchise has come together today. And, hopefully, they won’t be the last One-Shots created for the franchise, either.
With important Marvel Cinematic Universe characters that include the likes of Phil Coulson, Agent Carter, and Thor himself, these One-Shots are absolutely worth a watch on Disney Plus.