Although the Marvel Cinematic Universe initially only consisted of theatrical films, it eventually branched into television. There were a wide variety of television shows then released, which eventually brought us to where we are today. Now most Marvel shows are released on Disney Plus, and tend to directly tie-in with the greater Marvel Cinematic Universe. As such, many of the shows tend to be positively received by both fans and critics. But this brings the question – what is the worst Marvel show? As it turns out, a new study has given us the answer.
As revealed via USwitch, the worst Marvel show as noted in the new study is none other than Iron First. While this might not be too surprising at first, it’s worth mentioning that the series Inhumans appeared to be much more hated after it debuted more recently.
Here’s how the broke down the study’s results:
“With 32.25% of its reviews being negative, it [Iron Fist] is officially the worst MCU show, beating out Inhumans’ 32%, and The Punisher also found its way onto the list with 20.67%.”
They also noted that it was almost considered the most boring show overall on the list. However, this was beaten by The Inbetweeners USA which managed to earn a 45.83% disapproval rate in the study.
This is still a pretty disappointing result for Iron Fist and fans of the character, considering how well-received its fellow Netflix shows were. In fact, the series Daredevil has remained so iconic that Marvel has already brought back stars Charlie Cox and Vincent D’Onofrio back into the official Marvel Cinematic Universe. As such, it really is tragic that Iron Fist had to turn out the way it did.
It’ll be interesting to see where Marvel continues to take their television content, especially with how much more integrated the shows are with the MCU. There are definitely going to be some interesting projects to look out for in the future.