Avengers: Endgame was the end of an era. The Infinity Saga encompassed 23 movies spanning over more than a decade and stood as an unprecedented interwoven, multi-tiered franchise in Hollywood known as the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Now, as Marvel moves forward with Phase 4 and beyond, they are looking to new heroes to carry the torch left behind by the foundations of the MCU like Iron Man, Captain America and more. One such hero who has passed their mantle of sorts to a younger hero is Black Widow. She sacrificed herself to obtain the Soul Stone and is no longer a part of their world. But, as Phase 4 kicked off, we did see her in a flashback solo film that saw her find her family once again.
Is there a chance, however, that we could possibly see Natasha Romanoff once again in the MCU?
According to Deadline, Kevin Feige has let is be known that Scarlett Johansson is returning to Marvel on a ‘secret project’, albeit as a producer – for now. This is doubly surprising not only because her character is dead, but the real life turmoil that happened when she was forced to sue Disney for breach of contract over the simultaneous release of Black Widow in both theaters and on Disney Plus earlier this year. But, even with that strafe, Feige always had her back and now that all of that is behind both Johansson and Disney, they can move forward and build something new together. But what could it be?
It could be a film or Disney Plus series for Natasha’s sister Yelena who looks to be the new generation’s Black Widow. It could be a project that brings Natasha back to life some way (multiverse anyone?) It could also surround a completely different character entirely.
Obviously when it comes to a Marvel ‘secret project’, there are little to no details whatsoever besides Scarlett’s involvement. Hopefully we’ll find out sooner rather than later. Regardless, its great to see Johansson back in the MCU in some capacity.
Are you excited for what this ‘secret project’ could be? Let us know in the comments below!