The Pet Sematary horror film franchise currently consists of three films, all of which have been inspired by Stephen King’s novel of the same name in one way or another. The first film was a direct adaptation directed by Mary Lambert for a release in 1989, while she returned to helm a sequel titled Pet Sematary Two in 1992. Paramount eventually developed a remake also titled Pet Sematary which was released in 2019. The film was successful enough for another movie to be greenlit, and now we know who will be the director for the fourth Pet Sematary entry. As it turns out, screenwriter Lindsey Beer is attached to direct the new film – her first role as director following a very successful writing career.
As of this time, however, it looks like plot details for this film are under wraps. What’s more, Bloody-Disgusting noted via Deadline that the film might not even be a prequel as was previously announced. In fact, they stated the following:
“Even though early reports said this would be a prequel, sources now say the plot’s direction is still being figured out and a prequel is not guaranteed at this time.”
With this in mind, it looks like the film could truly be anything. So while a prequel could still be a likely scenario, it might also take place after the events of the remake as well. And, in my experience with films like this, I wouldn’t even be surprised if we got a new adaptation altogether. In any case, it’ll be interesting to see where the story develops from here.
The new Pet Sematary film was initially written by Jeff Buhler, writer of the 2019 film. His Pet Sematary script has been rewritten by newly attached director Lindsey Beer, and Lorenzo di Bonaventura is producing the project.
A release date has yet to be announced, so as always stay tuned to ScreenGeek for updates as we have them. The new film will be an original production for the Paramount Plus streaming service.