If one thing is for sure to horror fans, it’s that The Human Centipede tends to be on everyone’s list for being one of the most gross and sickly franchises out there. Now the parody company Unnecessary Inventions has taken it upon themselves to create an even more bizarre extension of the franchise. They’ve created a gummy candy inspired by the horrendous acts included in the film series. Be sure to check out the Human Centipede gummy candies in the video from Unnecessary Inventions down below!
Matt Benedetto designed the grossly accurate candies, which much like in the disgusting horror film series, depict three people attached to one another. As the name suggests, they form a “Human Centipede”, which is emphasized even more by a red gummy string that symbolizes the intestinal tract connecting them all. How thoughtful.
At the very least, because of the ingredients used to create them, we can imagine the Human Centipede gummy candies should still taste sweet. While the design or thought behind them might turn some people away, it’s not like it’d be the most horrific tasting snack in the world. And by the time you mush them all together and get to chewing, it’s not like they’ll have any resemblance to the unfortunate people sewn together in the film series.
It’s a grossly nice way to keep the franchise on our minds, although The Human Centipede director Tom Six has certainly been keeping busy even though the trilogy has been completed. And he certainly hasn’t lost his touch. Tom Six’s next film is a disturbing little movie titled The Onania Club, which should help introduce even more horrifying and disgusting content into the director’s filmography. Of course, it’s not like the Human Centipede trilogy hasn’t done that enough already.
Nevertheless, the candies should make an interesting snack for those of you who’d have the stomach to eat them while watching their favorite installments of the Human Centipede trilogy.
What do you think of the Human Centipede gummy candies designed by Matt Benedetto? Would you like to try them despite their icky design? Let us know your thoughts on the candy in the comments section down below!