The Resident Evil film franchise is one of the more popular horror series of the 2000s, even if everyone doesn’t always like them. The series made bank and actress Milla Jovovich became something of a horror/action icon because of them.
But, unfortunately, the last film in the series – Resident Evil: The Final Chapter – suffered a tragic incident. A Resident Evil stuntwoman makes Olivia Jackson was doubling for Milla Jovovich. After suffering from a motorcycle incident on the set, she lost her arm. Jackson was immediately put into a medical-induced coma where doctors were able to save her life.
Now it turns out Olivia Jackson is suing the film’s producers. Apparently they’re no longer providing her with medical support since the incident occurred. In fact, the producers even gave her insurance that was not enough to cover her medical bills. She received $33,000 in insurance, with $990 lost in wages, against her medical bills which were nearly $1 million.
Here’s what Jackson had to say regarding the aftermath of the incident:
“They admitted they had very limited insurance, but they promised they would take care of me and make sure I came back to health. When they stopped paying for the medical bills, I think I was just really hurt and really scared because I was stuck. I was really hurt and really scared because now I was stuck on my own.”
And if that’s not enough, Jackson wasn’t even supposed to be the original Resident Evil stuntwoman. She was scheduled to work on Wonder Woman but substituted on the Resident Evil set instead. Ironically when yet another stuntwoman was injured and unable to work.
It’s a horrible tragedy. There are always risks involved when providing stunts for a movie. But there’s no reason for a film company that profits with millions of dollars not to help the people physically maimed to make them that rich.
Source: USA Today