I want to say that, before we dive into this story, this is all purely speculation at this point. I am not, nor have I ever claimed to be, a detective or private investigator. Besides a couple of basic Psychology classes in college, I am no expert in the human psyche. That being said, this unexpected tragedy seems to be veiled in sickening black halo, and all signs seems to point to foul play in the death of All That Remains guitarist, Oli Herbert.
Herbert died unexpectedly, having seemingly drowned in a pond behind his home on October 16th, 2018. Initially thought to be an accidental mix of prescription drugs that lead to his drowning in the pond, police are now investigating his death as “suspicious” and many fans believe they know who did it. Apparently, Oli was in the middle of divorcing his wife, Elizabeth Jane Herbert. The now widow is the prime suspect, at least according to fans, and quite a bit of evidence has been compiled against her.
It’s first important to also point out that when the guitarist went missing, Elizabeth was the one who reported him missing – before actually looking for him.
Based on numerous reports from friends, family, and loved ones, Elizabeth Jane was incredibly controlling, insanely jealous, and highly aggressive and angry. She consistently “lost” Oli’s phone, only for it to “pop” up a week or two later, with contacts blocked, messages deleted, and emails sent from his accounts on his phone angrily threatening people. This issue got so bad that Oli was forced to obtain burner phones to be able to continue to speak with friends that Elizabeth had apparently deemed “unworthy”. She would constantly accuse Oli of cheating, making up random “facts” to justify her hostile outbursts.

She would threaten fans publicly on Facebook, cursing out people like a woman possessed. This, in and of itself, isn’t enough to make her a suspect, but it’s what follows, in addition to this narcissistic, psychotic, sociopathic personality, that paints her in a suspicious light. Most recently, she sent this message to the Justice For Oli Facebook page:
There are many signs that point to Elizabeth’s involvement. For one, even though she was an extremely jealous person, one who would accuse any woman who even glanced in Oli’s direction of sleeping with him, she became best friend’s with a publicly known stalker of his named Wendy Skriver. Skriver showed up at many of Oli’s personal appearances, and even had a very public meltdown when she didn’t get the attention from him that she felt she deserved. But, rather than blocking this person, or even filing a restraining order, Elizabeth became “like a sister” to her, even attending Skriver’s daughter’s graduation.
Then there are the now deleted public posts on social media. The day after Oli disappeared, but before she reported him, Elizabeth posted a pic of the very pond that Oli died in, saying she was “very blessed” to have such a view.
Reports point to Oli dying the night prior to the post, yet somehow Elizabeth didn’t see his body (Oli drowned, but because he “passed out” face down near the shore). She gave a pretty strange explanation as to how he got out to the pond as well:
Other strange posts have been documented:
Wendy and Elizabeth started working on the brush/pond a few weeks before, Aug 14th.
She also posted that on social media. Also, another now deleted post had Elizabeth said that she was having a “good morning” because the toxicology report came back saying that Oli had anti-depressants and sleep aids in his system, and that report seemingly showed she was innocent.
Remember, she hadn’t even been accused of anything yet and the police had not yet announced that the death was “suspicious”. It’s notable because there are some who have said she poisoned Oli’s dogs before she ultimately did the same to Oli – as his dogs mysteriously died:
Then, there’s the selfie from his funeral she took, stating she wasn’t “alone” and “stronger in her solitude”. And, in the pic, she is almost smirking. It’s sickening, in a way.
There is also, from a psychological standpoint, the stages of grief, which she isn’t following at all. She’s only exhibiting anger towards Oli’s friends and fans and acceptance of his death. No grieving or sadness at all. Her behavior, however, does follow another model to a tee: Lenore E. Walker’s Cycle Of Abuse. It shows the cycle of an abuser’s actions that keep others down, beaten, but afraid to leave. She is the abuser.
There is plenty more evidence, like how Oli had a new will worked up recently, with weirdly Wendy as the notary on it, and how his wife applied for a life insurance policy on Oli only a week before his death (mind you, Oli was very healthy and not at in danger of illness or death at the time).
These are some recently posted things on the Justice For Oli Facebook page:
There’s a great article from Grimmgent.com that breaks all of this down in a more detailed manner.
It should be noted that Oli wasn’t into drugs at all, he drank very little, and he occasionally, but rarely smoked weed. His bandmates and friends knew him as a great guy and a wonderful human being. He was also a brilliant musician and he will be sorely missed. Hopefully, justice will be done for Oli and the truth will come out, and soon.
What are your thoughts on this terrible tragedy? Do you have any evidence or ideas that you can share? Let us know in the comments below.