Ant-Man and the Wasp is the next highly anticipated film in the MCU film lineup. The sequel to the film that introduced a pivotal character in Avengers lore, this film sees Hope Van Dyne finally suit up as the second Wasp, a mantle originally worn by her mother (who disappeared into the Quantum Realm). Evangeline Lily stars as yet another strong female character in the MCU and fans are clamoring to see her fleshed out in the film. But will we see her in Avengers 4?
Due to an alleged promo art pic that was leaked online recently, her future in the Marvel Cinematic Universe seems to be short lived, or, more accurately, nonexistent.
This seemingly-official AVENGERS 4 art has leaked online!
(via @morfeubarreto)
— MCU News & Tweets (@MCU_Tweets) June 5, 2018
The pic shows the heroes that survived after the climax of Avengers: Infinity War, with the inclusion of Hawkeye and Ant-Man (who were both absent from the film), getting ready for battle in as-yet-to-be-titled Avengers 4. The one hero fans expected to see, but whom is not present, is Wasp. Does this mean she didn’t survive the snap heard around the universe?
It is believed that Ant-Man and the Wasp will take place in the past, between the events of Civil War and Infinity War. So, whilst we will obviously see Wasp in action in that film, we may see a post credits scene of her dissolving away after the snap, possibly in the arms of Scott Lang (as I am sure their budding romance will be explored further in the sequel).
This would of course be a bit of a disappointment to fans. The Wasp looks like she will be a badass character and would make a welcome addition to the new Avengers, not to mention that she will definitely another very strong female presence that Marvel has done well to help promote gender equality as of late. She would join the ranks of Black Widow, Valkyrie, Shuri, Okoye, Nakia, and the upcoming Captain Marvel. So, the fact that she doesn’t survive the “balance of the universe” is a bit depressing.
However, there is a silver lining. Evangeline Lily has already confirmed that she shot scenes for Avengers 4, albeit not many. This could mean that she was simply left off the promo art unintentionally, or the promo art is fake. But, playing Devil’s Advocate, the short screen time could mean that she only shot some flashback scenes, so maybe she is gone. I guess we will have to wait until some official photos or scenes are released by Marvel before we can get a straight answer to this mystery.
Do ou think Wasp survived the snap? Let us know in the comments below!