The internet is full of bullying and even though we try to protect ourselves and those closest to us, it happens. That being said, it is one heck of a sight when the internet stands behind someone who is being bullied in life and decides to share their story online. Hugh Jackman took to his Facebook to stand behind an amazing and strong 10-year-old girl who has felt the very harsh realities of bullying.
Cassidy slater, a brave and beautiful 10-year-old who has been hurt thoroughly by some horrible and mean children took to posting a video online to spread her story. She used cards to tell the tale and even wrote how she felt alone, and it hurts. She gave details about how the adults around her were doing nothing to stop the bullying in the past 3 years and that is sickening to most.
The video was removed because she was apparently too young for an account, but her mother stepped up and posted a video for her. She was threatened by the principal to remove the video or he was going to report it and he was successful. Here’s the video:
The best part of Cassidy standing up and announcing what is happening to her, is the amount of love and support she is receiving, from one person in particular, Hugh Jackman. He is well known for playing Wolverine but clearly has a soft spot for those young children who need someone to tell them how special they are. He shared her story and didn’t hesitate to mention that he was her friend.
Here’s what Jackman said:
Hi Cassidy …. I’m Hugh. I want you to know you’re loved, special & smart. You’re strong, funny & beautiful both inside and out. BULLYING IS NOT OK. Please never stop asking for help. You will find it from people and places you never thought possible. I’m your friend.
It takes nothing to tell someone how amazing they are, but it gives that person everything. Even a tough actor/guy, could take a few minutes from his day to let this little girl know he is there for her.
This is not the first celebrity to stand behind a sick or bullied child, we have seen people like Robert Downey Jr. visit a sick child in hospital and more recently, with the events surrounding the Humboldt Hockey team (R.I.P) we saw not only celebrities – but most of Canada stand behind people they didn’t know. Bullying should be a thing of the past, follow in Wolverine’s footsteps, stand up for those who need it!
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