In case you are unaware, there was recently a documentary released about The Simpsons – specifically the offensive nature of the popular character named Apu. The documentary titled The Problem With Apu, was directed by Hari Kondabolu, and sheds light on what is considered an offensive stereotype. Well, the writers of The Simpsons became aware of it, and responded – essentially shrugging it off:
#TheSimpsons completely toothless response to @harikondabolu #TheProblemWithApu about the racist character Apu:
“Something that started decades ago and was applauded and inoffensive is now politically incorrect… What can you do?”
— Soham (@soham_burger) April 9, 2018
And as you’d probably expect, Twitter erupted:
TBH, I really don’t see how Apu can be thought of as offensive. He’s just a character in a spoof cartoon that spoofs virtually everything. Why is it surprising that a character in that cartoon is a spoof? What did you expect?
— (+[___]-:-) Guren (@OlorinTheOtaku) April 9, 2018
I have a feeling you haven’t watched The Problem With Apu
— Soham (@soham_burger) April 9, 2018
First of all, I’m flattered that you think I’m friends with @harikondabolu … I say watch the movie because it does a great job describing the problems and ramifications of South Asian representation and the fact that you’re dismissing the whole issue is a lazy fucking cop out
— Soham (@soham_burger) April 9, 2018
First of all, I’m flattered that you think I’m friends with @harikondabolu … I say watch the movie because it does a great job describing the problems and ramifications of South Asian representation and the fact that you’re dismissing the whole issue is a lazy fucking cop out
— Soham (@soham_burger) April 9, 2018
People actually think the portrayal of Apu in The Simpsons is racist? It’s an exaggerated comedic STEREOTYPE, like Homer as a fat dumb American
Racism: discrimination against a race in the belief that one’s own race is superior
No character is portrayed as racially superior
— LK (@ellkay_) April 9, 2018
Imagine being someone that get’s offended about a stereotypical character in a show comprised of stereotypical characters.
Now imagine being so offended by it you make a documentary about it and cry when the show’s creators tell you to GTFO.
There’s nothing wrong with Apu.
— Punished Bunty King (@buntykingtv) April 9, 2018
The funniest thing about The Simpsons Apu outrage is the self righteous “Lisa would never say that” crowd.
Lisa is a stereotype of you, she’s always been a stereotype of you. The “real Lisa Simpson” wasn’t betrayed you dummies.
— Harshmelo (@Harshmelo) April 9, 2018
Thing to understand about anybody defending the Simpsons’ shitty response to the Apu issue is they’re making clear they’d support minstrelsy targeting *any* race, if they could get away with it. Just means we’re the last one they think they can insult. We see you.
— Anil Dash (@anildash) April 9, 2018
.@harikondabolu discusses The Simpsons’ racial blind spot in “The Problem with Apu.”
— The Daily Show (@TheDailyShow) April 9, 2018
Hank Azaria, the voice behind Apu, spoke about the controversy in January, saying:
“The idea that anybody, young or old, past or present, was bullied or teased or worse based on the character of Apu on ‘The Simpsons,’ the voice or any other tropes of the character is distressing. And especially in post 9/11 America, the idea that anybody was marginalized based on it or had a hard time was very upsetting to me personally and professionally.”
He added:
“’The Simpsons’ over the years has been pretty humorously offensive to all manner of people Republicans, Brazilians, presidents, high school principals, school principals, Italians, you name it,” he said. “And they take a lot of pride over there in not apologizing for any of that. I think, over the years, they’ve done a really good job of being, shall we say, uniformly offensive without being outright hurtful.”
He also said that the producers of the show would be addressing the issue in the future – and it appears that this is how they decided to do it.
What do you think about the controversy? Be sure to tell us your thoughts in the comments!