The overall future of the Marvel Cinematic Universe is uncertain at this point. We know Avengers: Infinity War will be a movie with stakes, and that Avengers 4 will be something “new”. It’s now been revealed that it’ll also be something that fans definitely won’t be expecting.
In a recent interview with Vanity Fair, Kevin Feige said Infinity War will be a finale, and that it will:
“…bring things you’ve never seen in superhero films: a finale.”
Feige goes on to say:
“There will be two distinct periods. Everything before Avengers 4 and everything after. I know it will not be in ways people are expecting.”
So what does that mean for the MCU? Don’t worry, Feige says Marvel has a lot of stuff planned:
“22 movies in, and we’ve got another 20 movies on the docket that are completely different from anything that’s come before -intentionally.”
While that’s good to hear, it probably has many fans wondering what will happen with this current roster of characters. We already know that characters like Spider-Man, Ant-Man, Black Panther, etc. will be around for the foreseeable future, but veteran characters like Iron Man and Captain America are a little more uncertain.
We’ll see the team next when they suit up for Avengers: Infinity War, which Feige has said will be an emotional movie:
“It’ll be emotional for a lot of different reasons. As all our films try to do, we want to have the laughs, we want to have the heart, we want to have the humor, and Infinity War has all of that.”
Marvel Studios know what they’re doing, so hopefully they give us the finale that has been building up to this point for almost 10 years now.
Are you excited for the future of the Marvel Cinematic Universe? Be sure to tell us your thoughts in the comment section!