Although Batman is a fictional superhero, it’s always pleasant seeing the actors behind the mask take on their own heroic qualities. This was showcased last night during NBC’s Red Nose Day, where celebrities gathered to raise money for children worldwide. Actor Ben Affleck happened to be one of the celebrities helping raise money, and spent his time answering kids’ questions during a comedy sketch.
Funnily enough, the video has him imitate previous Batman actor Christian Bale’s iconic voice.
Affleck is eventually asked by one of the children to do the Batman voice, which he agrees to in a deeper voice, “Your wish is my command.”
The kid instead rejected his voice, quickly saying, “No! Do it the way Christian Bale does it.”
Then, visibly stressed, he attempts repeating his line in an even more stern voice. But still the kid rejects and suggests Bale himself do the voice.
“Well, he’s not available, so…” Affleck managed to say before awkwardly trailing off.
It’s definitely a funny video, one that really shows the effort and humor in actors that we sometimes don’t get to see on the screen. Especially with the dark cynicism that fuels the Hollywood filmmaking business. Plus poor Affleck manages to play along with the whole thing, even though we can probably all be sure he’s tired of being compared to Bale.
Speaking of which, although it’s not the Christian Bale version, we will all be able to see Ben Affleck again as Batman when Justice League hits theaters, November 17, 2017.