While the Marvel Cinematic Universe is already in deep reaches of its web of stories, it still pales in comparison to the entire history of the Marvel comic books. With nearly 60 years of the comics, much of its story and characters, as well as the longest presence in super hero films yet, stems from the father of many beloved characters, Stan Lee himself. And with no surprise, Lee knows a lot more what goes behind the scenes with his involvement in them, especially an upcoming and very highly anticipated Avengers: Infinity War.
Gamezone had a Q&A with Stan the Man in Des Moines, Iowa and talked about the future of Marvel’s films, the opposing properties and, ultimately, any scoops on the upcoming films. And much like every fan would like to know, the question of the next interpretation of Marvel’s rich characters being involved in the film was brought up.
Though no exact quotation is available, it was reported that Lee decided to mention that at least one or more fan-favorite Marvel characters will be debuting in time for Infinity War, though who they will be has us guessing. The fact that his publicist told him he can’t go too in-depth probably means something huge is involved with them with its massive cast as it is.
Looks like we got another year to wait until we get that confirmation.
Avengers: Infinity War unites the heroes April 25h, 2018
Who do you speculate could be the hidden character or characters? Anyone you still want to see in the cinematic universe? Let us know in the comments below!
Source: GameZone