With his many powers and ability to return from the dead, one could easily assume that Son of God, Jesus Christ, is actually a superhero. Well that’s exactly the route one Mexican church has seemingly done, teaming the deity up with some interesting characters. Read on to find out who it is.
The interesting team-up came courtesy of a Catholic Church in Mexico, and as you can see on the poster for their Easter celebrations below, it features Jesus of Nazareth standing side-by-side with both Tony Stark’s Iron Man and Chris Evans’ Captain America. Perhaps he’s trying to repair the pairs friendships after the outcome of Captain America: Civil War.
Mexican church using Marvel characters to promote their Easter celebration
The writing on the poster itself, ‘Llamados a la misión generamos esperanza‘, loosely translates to “calls to the mission will generate hope”. Hope is definitely something that both The Avengers and Jesus are known to inspire, so it would make sense to pair these characters up, although I can’t help but think he wouldn’t exactly be the biggest fan of Tony Stark’s personality.
If you look closely at the poster, you can see that Stark’s Arc Reactor and the star of Cap’s Vibranium shield have been replaced by a cross, showing that they seem to have turned over a new leaf. From the films and comics, we know that Steve Rogers at least has some form of belief, however the same can’t be said for Stark, with many believing him to be an Atheist.
It’s likely that the church is looking to capitalize on the Marvel heroes to bring a younger demographic back to the church, which would make sense seeing as it’s possible more youngsters read comics than read The Bible these days.
The big question is how Marvel, and possibly Disney, feel about their property being used in this way. With the image making it’s rounds on the net, I can’t imagine it will take long for them to act.
What do you think? Do you think this will attract people to the church? Do you think Marvel should be concerned? Let us know below!
Source: io9