Despite being rumored for the role since last November, it was only yesterday that Game of Thrones actor, Ciaran Hinds, finally confirmed that he’ll be portraying Steppenwolf in the highly anticipated Justice League. As well as confirming his involvement, Hinds also revealed a few details about the character. Read on to find out more.
In a recent interview with The Independent, the actor revealed that his role in the film will in fact be almost completely CGI. Speaking to the interviewer he explained:
“Basically they’re going to construct something, digitally, and then they will use my eyes and mouth.”
Given what we saw of the character in the Batman vs Superman: Dawn of Justice Extended Cut, it makes sense that they would go the CGI route. Those who did see the deleted scene, will remember that the character didn’t maintain his classic comics appearance, taking a much more alien look than his normal human one.
Hinds also elaborated on the motivations of the villain, explaining:
“He’s old, tired, still trying to get out of his own enslavement to Darkseid, [but] he has to keep on this line to try and take over worlds.”
This in itself is a deviation from the character’s background in comics. In the comics, Steppenwolf was the the uncle of Darkseid and commander of his Parademon army. Whilst the trailers indicate he will still have control of the army, there doesn’t appear to be any connection between the character and Darkseid at this point.
Current rumours speculate that the films plot will revolve around Steppenwolf attempting to locate the three Motherboxes which are being sought by Darkseid. For those of you who haven’t seen it, you can check out the characters debut scene, titled ‘Communion’ below.
You’ll be able to see the character take on the titular team when Justice League hits theatres, November 17th.
What do you think? Do you like the sound of Steppenwolf as a villain? Are you disappointed it’s not Darkseid as the main villain? Let us know below!
Source: The Independent