The next issue of Entertainment Weekly will be about Thor: Ragnarok – including some new pictures from the upcoming film.
When talking about the film, star Chris Hemsworth had the following to say to EW:
“It was nice not to have to sit in the makeup chair for that hour each morning. It felt like a rebirth for me as the actor but also as the character.”
Here’s the cover from the upcoming issue:

Kevin Feige had the following to say about the film:
“I have a belief that if you’re lucky enough to get to part 3 of a franchise, it is your obligation not to fall to threequel-itis.”
When talking about Hela, actress Cate Blanchett said:
“She’s been locked away for millennia getting more and more cross, and then, with a mistake, she gets unleashed and she ain’t getting back in that box.”
According to EW, her attack on Thor sends him to Sakaar, where he is forced to become a gladiator and realizes he’s no longer super special.
“[Sakaar is] basically where every wormhole across the universe dumps out its trash, so you get people from all walks of life with all sorts of incredible abilities and powers,” Hemsworth said. “No one cares what prince or king Thor may have been in another world. Also, his strength is pretty easily matched with those he finds himself amongst.”
When talking about the tonal shift of the film, director Taika Waititi added:
“I think sometimes people mistake a tonal shift as ‘We’re just going to make some ridiculous broad comedy where no one gives a s— what happens and everyone gets stoned and sits around talking about saving the universe,’ ” Waititi says. “We want people to care what happens and care that the hero succeeds. I think tonally it’s like a slight shift. I don’t feel nervous — I feel good about it.”
Thor: Ragnarok hits theaters November 3rd, 2017.
Source: EW