LifeSiteNews, a right-winged religious website in association with the Canadian anti-abortion group Campaign Life Coalition, had their editor-in-chief speak out to beware the Batman. The Lego Batman in particular.
John-Henry Westen accused the animated film based off the Capred Crusader of “indoctrinating the little ones” to the gay agenda and “promotes gay adoption”.
“It was chock full of pro-gay propaganda. Think the sexual innuendo of the Flintstones minus the real humor. It seemed the creators were so anxious to subtly indoctrinate the little ones into the gender ideology that making it humorous came as a distant second thought.”
His points of reference? For one, the alter egos of Batman and Bruce Wayne are put into humorous context where not unveiling the secret identities to the new Robin causes a commotion that has him believe he has “two dads”.
For the most part, he seems to refer to PjMedia’s article on the film for their convoluted reasoning. Michael Hamilton, the writer of the article, expresses other points of concern such as the “bromance” between Batman and Joker, the references to the spandex attire of the 1960s, and Robin’s sparkly cape to name a few. Hamilton describes the potential impact it will have on the targeted youth:
“Few parents and fewer kids will question any of it, because there’s a way to interpret all of it as technically innocent. “That’s what makes these messages subliminal (and potentially powerful). LEGO Batman makes them seem plain as vanilla and American as apple pie.”
We can probably expect a similar answer to thoughts on the scene wanting to “Get nuts”.
Source: Advocate