When it comes to Twitter followings, there’s usually a lot of speculation – but that speculation can actually lead to casting. Especially, when it’s comic related.
One to note recently, was Joe Manganiello being cast for Deathstroke. We actually first connected the dots on that one, due to a whole bunch of signs – two days before the actor was officially confirmed in the role.
The latest speculation?
Geoff Johns has started following Arnold Schwarzenegger on Twitter – as seen here:
So if the actor is joining The DCEU – who could he be playing? It’s pretty obvious he wouldn’t be playing Mr. Freeze – or could he?
Maybe that’s what the Justice League is looking at in this photo:

Not really.
We’ll let the fans speculate on what potential role (if any) the actor is playing. Some are saying that the actor could appear in Wonder Woman since Johns also very recently started following Patty Jenkins again – and Jenkins is also following Arnold.
This could get very interesting.
What do you think of this? Do you think there’s a connection? Be sure to sound off in the comment section below!