When it had been announced that Joseph Fiennes would be playing the late Michael Jackson in a British film called Urban Myths, there was a lot of controversy. Judging by the first trailer released for the upcoming film, it appears there will be even more backlash.
In a day and age where ‘whitewashing’ is a prominent topic of Hollywood (The Ancient One in Doctor Strange), you had to know that this movie and that specific casting would be a divisive one. Or just one that would piss Michael Jackson fans (and people in general) off.
Getting back to the film itself, it appears to be a lot of comedy shorts put into one movie featuring “true-ish stories’ featuring Elizabeth Taylor, Marlon Brandon, Bob Dylan and Adolf Hitler.
Check out the trailer for yourselves below:
Like I stated earlier in the article, I’m not quite sure what the filmmakers were thinking on this one. It’s sure to piss a lot of people off and the trailer itself already has more dislikes than likes on YouTube. Judging by some of the comments I’ve seen, it’s not really one that I think will be a success critically or commercially.
Then again – you never know.
What’d you think of the trailer? Be sure to sound off in the comment section below!