Despite the franchise being known as the Marvel Cinematic Universe, recent years have seen quite a lot of advancements on the smaller screen, with heroes including Daredevil, Jessica Jones, Luke Cage, Quake, Mockingbird, Ghost Rider and The Punisher all being brought to life in live action.
With such a large range of characters at their disposal, it would make sense that they would look to bring more of their characters to life this way, something which an anonymous source has revealed will be announced at this year’s TCA’s.
An anonymous source has revealed that Marvel will soon announce several new television series set in their shared universe. The source reveals that one of these projects set to hit ABC will be a spin-off series focusing on Gabriel Luna’s Ghost Rider, last seen in Marvel’s Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. mid-season finale.
The information given states:
“Ghost. Rider. Spinoff. Not really a surprise at this point, but official announcement is set for later in January towards the end of the TCA’s, along with a showrunner. Nobody’s been tapped yet but Marco Ramirez has been considered. It’ll be a shorter show, like Agent Carter or Inhumans.”
Given the reception the character received, this shouldn’t be too much of a surprise and seeing as previous years have seen an Agent Carter series being broadcast during the mid season break it would make sense to have a shorter series centered on the character to take its place.
Another series that the source revealed is currently in development is the often rumored New Warriors series, albeit with the addition of one of the more popular additions to the Marvel Universe, Ms. Marvel (Kampala Khan) set to join the team in their adventures (we initially reported on this back in September).The message revealed:
“In non-specific outlet news, New Warriors is being looked at by multiple streaming outlets and, as been previously rumored/reported, will have Ms Marvel. That’s what Quesada teased [at one point]. It’ll be a half-hour comedy show, but will have action as well. Think Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt meets Teen Titans. The core idea is a team of superheroes that, well, kinda sucks at being superheroes. In terms of who’s looking at it, all the big 3 streaming outlets (Netflix, Hulu, Amazon) have been involved, though Amazon may back out as it already has a superhero comedy in The Tick. Smaller cable outlets like Freeform and WGN have also been among those considered for the show.”
It’s important to remember that these are RUMORS – but both of these shows would make great additions to the ever expanding universe, although whether they will come to pass remains to be seen. If they are, our source reveals that we should be seeing official announcements in the coming months. Be sure to check back for more information.
What do you think? Do you like the sound of these shows? Who would you like to see receive their own shows? Let us know below!