Back in 2015, news broke that Spider-Man was set to join the Marvel Cinematic Universe in the form of actor, Tom Holland. Whilst this was seen by many as a good move, there were some who were disappointed that this would see the end of Andrew Garfield’s time as the wall crawler. Rumors spread that the actor was in fact fired from the role, although this has never been confirmed. Now the actor has addressed whether there is any truth in these stories.
The initial rumor came about around the time of the infamous ‘Sony Hack’ with the story going that Garfield was let go by Sony chief, Kaz Hirai, after Garfield failed to attend an event in Hirai which would have seen the announcement of The Amazing Spider-Man 3. If true, it’s an extremely petty reason, even if it did work out in the fans favor.
The Guardian recently spoke to Garfield where they asked him whether there was any truth to the story, as well as asking whether he intentionally missed the event in the hope to getting fired. In response to this Garfield explained:
“No, I don’t think so,” Garfield said, laughing, before adding: “What I’ll proudly say is that I didn’t compromise who I was, I was only ever myself. And that might have been difficult for some people.”
The same interview also saw Garfield explain what he was hoping to convey in his portrayal of the titular hero. He revealed:
“I’d been reading the mythologists Joseph Campbell and James Hillman. And when I took on Spider-Man, I thought, ‘Holy shit! This is exquisite and terrifying and incredible. I have been given the responsibility of reaching my hand out from the big screen and putting it on [young boys’] shoulders. That is a gift for me and a big burden to carry. And I’m so up for it.’ I thought, if I can infuse all this ancient knowledge and wisdom into [Spider-Man], it could be profoundly affecting for young people in the audience. That was always my intention and what I tried to do. I was 25 and I was naive – not because of that, but because I was naive to the whole process of making one of those big-budget films.”
It sounds as though we may not know the truth of the matter unless Hirai himself comes out to confirm it, if true it does seem a little unfair to Garfield, but with Hacksaw Ridge and Silence both expected to put the actor in Oscar consideration, it sounds like he may have got the better end of the deal.
You can check out the current wall crawler in action when Spider-Man: Homecoming hits theaters July 7th, 2017.
What do you think? Are you glad Garfield is no longer Spidey? Would you like to have seen him close out the trilogy? Let us know below!
Source: The Guardian