If there’s one thing to look forward to in any Marvel movie, it’s the obligatory Stan Lee cameo. And seeing as it was his birthday yesterday, there’s no better time than now to have a day late look-back at all of his cameo appearances in most Marvel movies thus far.
But what’s that? I hear this imaginary interactive audience cry? It’s too much to go back and watch all the Marvel movies just for the Stan Lee cameos appearances!
Well, I agree, convenient imaginary voice, and so it’s lucky that someone has very kindly put together all of his cameos into one handy little YouTube video.
Check it out here:

The only cameo missing is his from the recent Doctor Strange film, but aside from that, it’s all there.
It does put it into perspective when you realize that the cameos now have the ability to fill up a ten-minute video with ease…that’s a lotta’ cameo.
What’d you think of the video? Be sure to sound off in the comment section below!