The Marvel Cinematic Universe is an almighty empire standing tall over a vast web of inter-connected films and shows. For the most part, those connections are simple, explicit and understandable. However, there are dark corners of the MCU to which few (but surprisingly many) fans dare to go. That is the realm of the Easter Eggs. Marvel films are littered with them, and many fans make it their sworn purpose to find each and every one.
In recent weeks alone, Guardians of the Galaxy has been increasingly in the spotlight of this very topic. There is an incredibly, impossibly (and severely annoyingly) elusive Easter Egg hidden in the furthest imaginable pixels of the film – and no one can find the damn thing!
Director James Gunn has confirmed the Easter Egg exists, promising that there is ‘a really big one’ that people have so far missed. The race intensified recently when Gunn put $100,000 on the line, insuring he is not lying about the Egg.
Only today, Reddit user @besa1000 posted a photo which he believes to contain the final Easter Egg. The photo is a shot taken from the film of Star Lord’s ship drifting through space, against captivating scenery. The Reddit user explains there is more to the image than meets the eye. They identify the green and orange scenery as Rocket and Groot, assisting their argument with some annotation.
In terms of size, the theory does fit Gunn’s criteria, as brief as it was – mainly because it is a huge area of space being shown. But the implications of the Egg aren’t as sizeable as some other fans’ ideas.
Some of these fan theories, presented only this month, are more plausible than others. One fan announced his during a recent cast appearance at Heroes and Villains Fan Fest, but Michael Rooker essentially shot it down. A YouTuber, MasterTainment, proclaimed that the Egg is Marvel’s cosmic entity ‘Eternity’ – which fits the bill in a number of ways, particularly that the Egg is ‘really big’ – both in size and the suggested impact this would have on the MCU.
I personally find it hard to swallow this theory. It seems a little farfetched and perhaps too obscure. Whilst I can look at in and think yeah, I guess I can see it, that sentiment soon becomes, hmmmm, really???
I absolutely cannot fault fans for trying, but this race is becoming more and more frustrating, so these ideas need to be taken with a pinch of salt. Gunn has so far neglected to confirm or deny recent theories, causing fans to decide for themselves which ones seem more likely, for now at least.
Check out the other theories here and here.
Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 arrives May 5 2017.