It’s been almost two years since the DVD & Blu-ray release of Marvel’s smash hit Guardians of the Galaxy. After all that time, despite many eagle-eyed fans’ unsuccessful searching, the final Easter Egg may have been found.
The Youtuber Mastertainment, in a recent video, explains his theory that ‘Eternity’, the Marvel Comics cosmic entity, is James Gunn’s thus far undiscovered Guardians of the Galaxy Easter Egg. It’s claimed that the Egg can be found in the scene where, having grabbed the infinity stone, Star Lord sees his mother in a hallucination.
The Youtuber explains that his previous theory was “shot the hell down” by James Gunn on twitter. He believed that the Dark Aster had links to Quasar – but was wrong, as he nobly admits in the video. Gunn’s tweet was frank, to say the least.
“Valiant effort but I’m sorry, that’s not it.” – @JamesGunn
His spirit was not quashed by the rejection, as he announces his updated theory. In the hallucination, Star Lord sees his dying Mother on a hospital bed, reaching for his hand, somewhere in space. Gamora then reaches for his hand, before the Guardians (minus Groot) share the power of the infinity stone.

The Youtuber believes that the area of space in which the hallucination is seen is a reference to ‘Eternity’, one of Marvel Comics’ four cosmic entities. The character’s design features planets and stars, which potentially bear resemblance to that region of space.

The mystery Easter Egg was brought to light again recently when a twitter fan accused James Gunn of lying about the Easter Egg, and claimed he won’t reveal it because there isn’t one.
Way back when Guardians of the Galaxy was released on Blu-ray, Director James Gunn told that there were in fact Easter Eggs fans hadn’t spotted. He said this at the time.
“There’s definitely one really big thing that people haven’t seen, but they may never see it — we’ll see. There’s other things, too.”
Admittedly, that seems rather vague. It’s almost as if Gunn enjoys the notion of thousands of fans running around at his feet, hopelessly trying to uncover what he has (or hasn’t) hidden. Could this be it? Considering Dr Strange featured Dormammu who, though not a cosmic entity, is one of Marvel’s most farfetched and mystical beings so far, perhaps it could be.
Check out MasterTainment’s Easter Egg video here:
Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 arrives May 5th, 2017.