An as of yet unnoticed ‘Easter Egg’ in Suicide Squad has been spotted by a seemingly dedicated viewer. The name ‘Falcone’ is just about visible on a wide shot of Gotham city, lit up on the top of a building.
Gotham and Batman comic book readers will recognize this name as the surname of organised crime figure Carmine Falcone. Falcone is a significant player in Gotham’s organised crime, and viewers of Gotham will have seen this demonstrated. This is not the first time DC have inserted Easter Eggs onto their skylines by name dropping companies and other references to the comics.

Man of Steel gave us the perhaps more blindingly obvious ‘Lexcorp’ and ‘Wayne’ brands in various parts of Metropolis, and both references prepared the stories of what Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice would involve. Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice sees the name ‘Axis Chemicals’ in a similar way. We are therefore left wondering: what does this mean? Could the Suicide Squad Easter Egg be setting up some contextual material on which The Batman could touch? We’ve seen Deathstroke revealed for Justice League, and perhaps so many Batman orientated characters and references are setting the scene for Ben Affleck’s The Batman.
However, in worlds like this one, based on a whole history of comic book villainy and superheroes, it is likely that DC adds the Easter Eggs simply to immerse their audience into the world they present to us. Similarly, Blaze Comics (the company that publishes adventures of Booster Gold in the DC Universe) made an appearance in Man of Steel, which didn’t amount to anything.
The Easter Egg is currently not ‘confirmed’, because it was found in a shot captured by “roythejewboy” on the DCEU subreddit. You can see it below:

Batman v Superman didn’t make direct reference to Falcone, but more reason to believe he exists in the DCEU is provided by a tie-in book designed to mimic a city guide, Time Out Shortlist: Gotham and Metropolis, which mentions many familiar DC Universe locatios including Falcone’s nightclub, Big Belly Burger, the Ace o’ Clubs Tavern, and the Iceberg Lounge. As with every area of DC or Marvel Film & TV these days, fans relish the opportunity to indulge rumours and speculation. Whilst it can sometimes be accurate, it is still just that; rumours and speculation.
We will see what Ben Affleck has in store for The Batman as time goes by. In the meantime, Suicide Squad is due on DVD and Blu-ray next month. You can stream it now with services like Amazon and iTunes.