2016 has lead quite the contraversial path with its election candidates and new president Donald Trump, and now that’s it done and over with, people are looking ahead for a different route in the next coming election in four years. Many interesting candidates have stepped up, and whether you think this next one is a good or bad choice….it doesn’t matter what you think.
Professional wrestler, actor and American sweetheart Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson has teased that the idea of him becoming POTUS and taking a serious stance in politics, Even elections can be capable of smelling what The Rock is cooking:
I wouldn’t rule it out. It would be a great opportunity to help people, so it’s possible. This past election shows that anything can happen.
A talk back in June had Johnson open his interest in politics before, stating this:
I can’t deny that the thought of being governor, the thought of being president, is alluring, and beyond that, it would be an opportunity to make a real impact on people’s lives on a global scale. But there are a lot of other things I want to do first.
This isn’t the first time muscle-bound stars ended up in politics. Fellow WWE‘s Jesse “The Body” Ventura in Minnesota, action star and body builder Arnold Schwarzenegger in Florida, but none have come as far as going for President (unless you count Sly’s comment in The Expendables). Knowing his ever-growing popularity and versatility in entertainment from wrestler, actor, producer, athlete and just plainly a great life motivator, Dwayne Johnson may be able to pull it off.
Of course, we are all fully aware what The Rock would be cooking if he is elected. He would certainly get things done with United States Con-gress and make it into the United States Pro-gress.
Lot of celebrities are openly considering running for President for the next election, including the likes of Chris Rock, Kanye West, Ron Perlman, Lindsay Lohan and even a petition for The Daily Show‘s Jon Stewart to be involved in the run.
Guess we’ll just have to see what the next term will be like. It might certainly be an interesting 2020 vision for us.
Source: Vanity Fair