Well, it’s now been proven that even if you have no actual credentials to run for President, you can win an Election. I mean, it’s been proven in the past with the likes of Arnold Schwarzenegger and Jesse Ventura being elected as Governors, but being the Commander-In-Chief is an entirely different story.
Even if you hate him, you have to admit that Donald Trump pulled off what many considered impossible last night and became the next President of the United States, despite the majority of the media and a lot of notable celebrities being on the side of Hilary Clinton.
Many of the celebrities were very unhappy about the results and took to Social Media to discuss their displeasure in America’s decision. People are even threatening to leave the country. Although – complaining about it won’t do anything to change what happened. We’re stuck with Trump until 2020, for better or for worse.
Apparently, Ron Perlman understands that, and has taken a far more proactive approach, as he has now (jokingly) announced that he will run for the Oval Office in 2020:
Perlman would be an interesting candidate for sure. If he did decide to campaign, he could at least use the exposure he would receive to fund Hellboy 3, couldn’t he?
Wouldn’t that be a win for everyone?!
He obviously has experience as President – but we all saw how that turned out.