The Justice League has fought and defeated many powerful enemies over the years. But nothing can prepare them for the pure evil they’re about to face.
YouTuber StryderHD and Adeel of Steel have pulled off a brilliant mashup trailer, this time pitting DC’s finest against cinema’s most deadly supernatural killers. Freddy Krueger, Jason Vorhees, and Michael Myers have banded together to destroy the guardians of Earth, and they won’t be defeated by Batman’s technical prowess, Wonder Woman’s Amazonian strength, or Superman’s near-invincibility.
While the concept may sound a bit silly (it seems that most movies with “vs” in the title turn out absolutely craptacular, with the exception of BvS), the trailer actually manages to make the movie look surprisingly chilling. I’d watch the hell out of this. Make it happen, movie people!
Watch the trailer below:
Source: Stryder HD/Adeel of Steel