Americans have been extremely fortunate in the last 20 years or so. We’ve been showered with a plethora of great superhero movies. Whoever your favorite comic book character is, chances are, you’ve seen him on the big screen by now. (Personally, I’m still waiting for Cable, but at least he’s on his way.)
However, the rest of the world hasn’t had quite so much luck. I mean, where the hell is the Captain Britain movie? Australia’s Helm? Azazel (Nightcrawler’s father), who is Mesopotamian?
But now, at least one non-‘Murican corner of the world is getting their very own superhero team. Or at least, they’re seen as heroes in state-media-informed Russia, which means they would probably fight for Putin, but whatever. Let’s let them have their moment.
Besides, this movie actually looks pretty damn cool. Known simply as the Guardians, they’re a group of very unique people – some born different, some the product of government experiments. Their purpose is to protect Mother Russia at all costs, and they certainly seem to have the ability to do so. From what we can gather from the trailer, their powers include: a man who can turn to stone and use his massive rock arms as battering rams; a woman who can become invisible at will; a half man, half bear (don’t say manbearpig, don’t say manbearpig……..shit); and an extraordinarily skilled acrobat, whose giant crescent blades can slice through pretty much anything.
Speaking of that trailer, check it out right here.
Some of it sounds sillier by description than it looks in action. The footage we’ve seen looks slick as hell, with great effects, well-coordinated fight scenes, and atmospheric music. The film is sure to be a huge hit in Russia, and it’s generating quite a bit of interest around the rest of the world as well. In fact, a sequel has already been announced, and the movie doesn’t even premiere in its homeland until February.
Does this look like a superhero story you’d be interested in watching? Let us know in the comments!