If you’ve been following anything anywhere, you know that there was a lot that was left out of the recent Suicide Squad movie. There’s also been a lot of talk that some of the best parts were left out. We will just have to wait to see the director’s cut or deleted scenes on the DVD and Blu Ray release (if they’re released).
In a recent video interview with MTV International, the whole lineup discusses what their favorite scenes were that got cut from the movie. It doesn’t take a genius to realize a lot of stuff was left out after a large amount of the trailer footage wasn’t even in the movie. And let’s not even get started on the peculiar interviews with Jared Leto after the movie was released.
I think we can all agree that we left the theaters after Suicide Squad a little confused and sort of just grabbing at straws about not just the point, but what the Joker truly had to do with anything. Good thing the cast of the movie can fill us in on what we have all been missing.
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Source: MTV