Mad Max: Fury Road direct George Miller’s name is one you’ll often here thrown around Internet comment sections when people are talking about who they would like to see helm a movie in Warner Brothers upcoming slate of films. Many times this is either for one of the Justice League films or even the recently revealed Man of Steel sequel. But a recent rumor has pegged the director as delivering a surprisingly different film entirely.
A post on the Internet message board, 4chan has revealed several upcoming tidbits as to what we can expect to see in the coming years from Warner Brothers and the DCEU itself. One of these tidbits revealed was the Miller was in line to direct an adaption of the Jack Kirby created series, New Gods.
In the comics, The New Gods are a powerful race of beings hailing from the planets New Genesis and Apokolips. Key members of this race include Darkseid, Orion, Highfather, Metron, and Big Barda. It also includes Steppenwolf who was previously seen in the ‘Communion’ deleted scene found on Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice Ultimate Edition, and is set to appear as the primary antagonist in next years Justice League.
This wouldn’t be Miller’s first attempt at making a DC film, with the director previously being hired to direct Justice League: Mortal film before it was abandoned back in 2009. Let’s just hope he has more success this time around.
The New Gods film has yet to be announced but if it is on the cards, we can expect some confirmation in the near future.
What do you think? Is Miller a good fit? What New Gods would you like to see appear? Let us know below!