It was previously revealed in an interview that the upcoming Thor: Ragnarok will be set nearly 80 to 90 percent in the cosmos. Well new photos from the film’s Australian set have revealed at least one earthbound location where those remaining scenes will be set. Read on to find out where.
Filming for the upcoming threequel is currently taking place on the streets of Brisbane and thanks to the fine folks over at the Sydney Morning Hearald we now have some photos of what’s going on. You can check out the photos below.
Asgardian Brothers #ThorRagnarok
— GOAT Movie Podcast (@GOATfilmpodcast) August 22, 2016
As you can see from the photos, at least part of the film is set to take place in New York City as evidenced by the vehicles present on set. Whether this will see any of the other heroes known to hang around the city make an appearance remains to be seen. But with Marvel there’s always that possibility.
Perhaps this could be the scene which see’s the titular hero return to Earth in preparation for the upcoming Avengers: Infinity War. We’ll find out when Thor: Ragnarok hits theaters November 3rd 2017.
What do you think? What brings The Mighty Avenger back to the big apple? Are you disappointed to see more earth based scenes? Let us know below!
Source: SMH