Much like the previous film in the franchise X-Men: Days of Future Past, this year’s entry X-Men: Apocalypse featured a large number of characters from the Comics 53 year history. However, a recent piece of concept art uncovered has revealed that yet another important villain was set to make an appearance.
Concept art fromĀ Bartol Rendulic appears show an ankle bracelet designed for none other than Bolivar Trask. Trask who portrayed by Game of Thrones actor, Peter Dinklage inĀ X-Men: Days of Future Past, was last seen being arrested for the incident involving the sentinels on the White House front lawn. The special Rogue Cut edition of that film revealed Trask to be locked up in Magneto’s fell below the Pentagon.
You can check out the concept art below:
The idea that the character is using an ankle bracelet seemingly implies that he would have been released but still under the watchful eye of the U.S. Government. Perhaps it was Apocalypse’s stunt with the nuclear missiles that caused them to reconsider Trask’s stance on the mutant threat and considered using his sentinels. Again this is purely speculation as we have no idea just what his role was set to be in the film.
What do you think? Would you have liked to see Trask return? Would that have improved the film? Let us know below!
Source: Imgur