Whereas Marvel has crafted a single continuity between their Film and Television universe, the same cannot be said for DC which has elected to keep the two separate. This has led to the creation of two different Scarlet Speedsters existing – Ezra Miller on the big screen and Grant Gustin on the small. But now, one of the actors has hinted about how a crossover could work.
This past week, MTV caught up with Justice League actor, Ezra Miller who spoke about a Gustin and a possible meeting of the two characters. He told the interviewer:
He’s a boss, I can’t wait to see him, eye to eye, adrift in the Speed Force — our eyes will lock and, in that moment, we will both know the truth. What truth? I dare not say.”
This isn’t the first time that Miller has hinted about the two Flashes appearing in parallel universe. Last year the actor was quoted as saying:
“I’m not avoiding [The Flash TV series]. I’m not avoiding it at all.”
Before adding:
I think it’s awesome. Yeah. I think it’s awesome. And come on. We’re The Flash. It’s parallel universes. Grant Gustin is The Flash, and I’m The Flash. Don’t you see it’s the event horizon. We crossed it baby. Grant and I are chillin.’ We’re gonna have a race! It’s going to be dope! Like Jay Garrick and Barry Allen back in the day! It’s going to be dope!”
Given how the Flash travelling through the Speed Force has been a big part of the last season of CW’s The Flash and also hinted at in the characters cameo in Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice it certainly wouldn’t be out of the realm of possibility. It would also be a great a piece of service for the fans of both show but also to stop the inevitable ‘Which is the definitive take on the character?’
We can see Ezra Miller as The Flash in Justice League, set to hit theaters November 17th, 2017 – while Grant Gustin can be seen donning the red suit when The Flash returns to the CW on October 16th.
What do you think? Would you like to see this happen? Who is your favorite Flash? Let us know below!
Source: MTV