Earlier this week, an open letter was released onto the Internet, supposedly from a disgruntled former Warner Brothers employee who had plenty of harsh comments to make about the studio and their upcoming Wonder Woman feature. You can find out more on this story here. But now the film’s director, Patty Jenkins has responded to these allegations.
Taking to here Twitter page the Monster director responded to the claims that film is set to be the latest ‘mess’ in DC’s series of films over a series of Tweets on Saturday. You can check out the tweets below.
Woah, just saw this press about WW having problems. Are they serious? This is some made up bs right here. Made up! Produce a source, anyone.
— Patty Jenkins (@PattyJenks) August 12, 2016
You can’t because it’s entirely false. Don’t believe the hype people. Someone’s trying to spread some serious misinfo.
— Patty Jenkins (@PattyJenks) August 12, 2016
Isn’t until you are intimately involved in these things that you realize how totally false these rumors can. Let me reassure you…
— Patty Jenkins (@PattyJenks) August 12, 2016
Zero about the movie we are making has been called a mess by anyone in the know. Fact.
— Patty Jenkins (@PattyJenks) August 12, 2016
Real lasso of truth, time, will reveal that letter to be false soon enough. But lame something so transparent in its agenda gets traction.
— Patty Jenkins (@PattyJenks) August 12, 2016
Jenkins is right to dismiss the claims made in the letter because she points out, the author of the letter is unverified and could very well have been written by anyone.
Given how everything seen for the film so far has been well received, it is hard to believe that the film is the ‘mess’ that the letter claims it is. Although the same thing could have been said about both Batman vs Superman: Dawn of Justice and Suicide Squad prior to their release.
We’ll find out whether Wonder Woman is another hit or miss when it hits theaters June 22nd, 2017.
What do you think? Do you believe the claims? Do you agree with Jenkins? Let us know below!
Source: Patty Jenkins