Despite not seeing a major theatrical run, the latest entry to the DC animated Movie universe, Batman: The Killing Joke, has certainly made its mark on the U.S. Box Office last night finishing as the third highest grossing film of the night. Read on to see just how much the comic adaption made!
The Monday night screenings, which were organised by Warner Brothers via Fathom Events, took place all across the country took a total haul of$3.175 Million, putting it just behind Star Trek Beyond‘s $6.3 million and The Secret Life of Pets $4.2 million. However, due to it only being one screening, this meant that it’s per-screen average was the highest of the night, taking $2,396 for every screening, as opposed to Star Treks Beyond’s $1,592.
The film’s initial popularity led to Fathom Events putting on a second evening which took place last night. Hopefully we’ll find out last nights numbers at some point today.
For those of you who were unable to get to a screening, Batman: The Killing Joke is currently available for digital HD and will be released on Blu-Ray August 2nd.
What do you think? Did you check out the film? What did you think of film? Let us know below!
Source: Warner Bros.