Justice League Dark is the basis for an upcoming animated feature which follows heroes like John Constantine, Madame Xanadu, Deadman, Zatanna, Raven, and Frankenstein as they battle mystical and supernatural villains. The group is also known to ally with characters like Swamp Thing.
However, before the concept was subject to become an animated film, it was going to be a live-action piece directed by Guillermo del Toro. Unfortunately, he left the project in June of 2015, and other filmmakers have tried to step in.
This includes Detention director Joseph Kahn who managed to create some animated test footage for the character of Swamp Thing. Check it out below:
Hopefully one day if movies like Suicide Squad prove successful, we can finally get a live-action adaptation. Just too bad we won’t be able to see what del Toro or Kahn had in mind.
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Source: Collider