There’s no denying that a certain P-word (No, not “Politics”) has been trending like crazy over current events. The release of Nintendo‘s Pokemon Go has been very successful with its geolocation scavenger-based game off the well-known Pokemon series. Fans and new players alike in the masses have contributed to playing, with an estimate of 9.5 million daily active users and has added $7.5 billion to Nintendo‘s market value since Wednesday.
However, for a certain Evan Scribner, that result of fun has also resulted in breaking his relationship, according to him.
Scribner claims because of the real-world location mapper on the game, his girlfriend at the time discovered his whereabouts in Bushwick, the location his previous ex was residing in, which was quite a distance for the Sunnyside, Queens resident. From there, certain discoveries were made knowing his location at a given time and some other Pokeballs tossing was also involved.
“She saw that I had caught a Pokémon while at my ex’s house,” Scribener told The Post. “She found out last night at my house and hasn’t contacted me since then”
Despite the mass appeal, some negative publicity has also been present much like any popular trend would have. Barely over a week in and multiple reports of controversial news have also been stockpiling regarding the game, from someone finding a dead body while playing, the heated rivalry between the three Pokemon factions resulting in graffiti, to even the drama behind someone trying to catch a Koffing of all things in a Holocaust museum in Auschwitz.
Pokemon Go is available now, and granted you learned from Evan’s mistake, do keep your privacy in mind playing.
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Source: NY Post